JGAP Update 7-23-10

By , July 23, 2010 2:22 am

It’s been a couple of months since I sent out an update, but I’m still writing. The Tea Party, Mel Gibson, Michael Jackson and much more.

The NAACP Was Right About The Tea Party.. and former Tea Party spokesman Mark Williams proves it.

Mel’s Choice
Mel Gibson can probably still have a career in show business when this scandal blows over. The question is, how will he do it?

Forgive and Forget
Michael Jackson, Chris Brown, Sen. Robert Byrd. Why does the public forgive some public figures for their transgressions, but not others?

“Too Hot For Citibank”
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
Rand Paul, Businesses And Equality

On my old blog, I used to compile links to news stories and videos. I’m doing the same here every two weeks on stories relating to sex, race and American culture. Click on links to stories about the Old Spice Guy, disposable males, the sexless middle class, and why some women like very bad boys. See the links here.


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