September Is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

By , September 15, 2011 4:57 pm

Did you know September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month? I didn’t, until I saw an interview with former Florida State University football coach Bobby Bowden. He appeared on CNN to talk about surviving prostate cancer and why he hid his diagnosis when he was coaching.

At the end of the interview, Bowden touched on the fact that men have a harder time talking about prostate cancer compared to women talking about breast cancer. I don’t agree that they’re the “same” thing, but there’s definitely more of an open public discussion about breast cancer than there is about prostate cancer.

If guys aren’t interested in talking about it or at least hearing about it, then the one in six men who get prostate cancer are more likely to die from it. But since I got interested in this topic a few years ago, it seems like people are more open about it.

The website Bowden is associated with is called On The Line. It has information for both men and the women in their lives on how to fight prostate cancer. I just found Zero Cancer that educates and promotes screenings for prostate cancer. There’s also the Prostate Cancer Foundation and the American Cancer Society.

According to the ACS, men should get screened no later than age 50. Screenings should begin earlier if they are in a high-risk group. Please, for your sake and the sake of the ones you love, get screened.

Here’s Bowden on CNN:

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