Posts tagged: St. Louis

The Two Different Sides of Delmar Blvd.

By , March 19, 2012 3:51 pm

BBC News profiled the wealth, education, and racial differences on the two sides of one street in St. Louis.

Delmar Boulevard divides a part of St. Louis with “million-dollar mansions directly to the south, and poverty-stricken areas to its north,” says the BBC.

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How different are the two sides of Delmar?

  • The median home value to the north of Delmar: $73,000. To the south: $335,000.
  • Median household income to the north: $18,000. To the south: $50,000
  • Residents with bachelors degrees to the north: 10%. To the south: 70%
  • The population north of Delmar is 98% black. The population south of it is 73% white.

The BBC talked to people living on both sides of Delmar about the two very different communities living across the street from one another. To no surprise, education and expectations are discussed by several residents.

See the entire story at BBC News.

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