JGAP Update 9-30-10

By , September 30, 2010 2:30 pm

Two boy band alums have a bro-mance in their new video, “Mad Men” takes it slow on race, and why America needs Obama more than ever after this horrible summer of race relations.

Here’s the latest from Jazz Guns Apple Pie:

Would An American Man Make This Video?
Two British pop stars make a record together 15 years after their boy band hey day. Their video is set in America, but would two Americans make a similar video?

“Mad Men” And Race
Don Draper & Co. have grazed the subject of race, but the show about sex in the Sixties should do more.

Race, Class and Obama
The president is the perfect person to get Americans to talk honestly about race and money. He’s done it before.


What Did We Learn From The “Ground Zero Mosque” Debate?
The anniversary of 9/11 reignited the debate over the Islamic community center. Did we learn anything from the controversy?


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